Monday 29 April 2024

The Political Binary

 What will happen if the Congress wins this election?

A lot of people want the congress to come back to power. A lot of people want the BJP to lose. But what exactly will happen if the BJP loses?

Absolutely nothing! The BJP has built a ruthless political machinery which the Congress party will take over. As a matter of fact, BJP didn’t even build it. They perfected a machine that the Congress Party has been building for a very long time.

Every evil that the BJP is accused of doing (rightfully so) was started by the Congress. Indira Gandhi imposed emergency, a trend that cost her an election; so now Modi is doing the same thing with finesse and even winning votes in the process. Rajiv Gandhi allowed the placement of an idol inside Babri Masjid, something that grew into a massive temple today. Congress orchestrated riots against the Sikhs in Delhi, Modi is doing that across the country (more subtly, more brutally). Rajiv Gandhi signed the Assam accord which has now mutated into the NRC, NPR and the grotesque CAA!

Corruption? The Manmohan Singh regime saw large scale corruption and they faced brutal backlash for those allegations. The Modi machine has learnt to do all that and so much more and yet get away scot free! 

Controlling the media, cozying up with capitalist friends, crushing the opposition, crushing popular protests - you name it and the BJP has mastered it. Now, the big question - do you expect these things to change if the Congress comes to power?  

Laugh. Out. Loud! (Just an LOL would not do, sorry!) The day Congress wins the election, the big capitalist leaders will comfortably shift their allegiance (or the other way around, Congress will win when the capitalist bosses think they serve their agenda better. Is the country run by a nexus akin to the Illuminati? Illuminati is a strong word and it infantilises a really complex subject, so I am not getting in there. And I don’t think the government is completely controlled by a few big business houses; but there certainly is a very strong influence and that tilts the tables). Which means that the powerful political machine that is in place right now will be taken over by the Congress party, and maybe even improved upon; an improvement which may not serve well for the people of the nation.

It is not sad news all the way though. Political power changing hands will have a few benefits. Power will certainly get diluted, there will be more accountability at the center, and the Congress is not as centralised or dictatorial as the BJP. However, that does not solve the problem. It just replaces a big problem with a different problem. The issues that plague the nation - poverty, unemployment, inflation, corruption, ecological disruption, crushing the religious minorities, othering the oppressed classes - nothing will change.

So let’s not vote at all? What’s the point after all? Let the BJP continue!

That’s not the point. The entire point of this article is not an endorsement of the Bharatiya Janata Party. Rather, I am saying that our political conversation must not end with the binary of Congress/BJP. The issues affecting the nation are much deeper and deserve closer attention. Every responsible citizen must study these issues and talk about these issues. When we talk, and only when we talk will the ‘leaders’ listen! Even if the ‘leaders’ don’t listen, somebody else will. More people will listen, more people will talk… and more people will listen. The ‘leaders’ will eventually have to pay heed.

I just started talking.