Probably the most abominable
character in a human being is the attitude of looking at nothing but the fault
in another. And in most of us the attitude is so developed that it has evolved
into a skill. By sharpening your focus on ‘him’ and ‘her’ one turns a blind eye
to their own flaws. And if your senses are not so sharp, no worries; by having
gained knowledge of the wrongdoings of every other soul in the society, you are
fully justified in saying, “He does worse things. When compared to that, there
is absolutely nothing wrong in what I am doing…”
Probably this is what makes
preachers take austere measures. “Do not resort to violence”, says him. “Then
why does our country have an army? Then why do we have weapons?” Now what kind
of answer do you have for such idiotic questions? Yes, questions of equivalent
idiocy are being raised in the attempt of defending or covering up a crime. A
crime - including anything from watching a pirated movie to littering the
streets. Add on to that the shameless dialogue, “When is our country going to
become like Singapore or UK? Any idea how neat thing are in the US”.
Such is the irony that lies ahead of
our nation. All of us are hell bent on demanding our rights and pointing
fingers. Politicians are the front runners in the game as the incumbent party
blames the opposition and vice-versa. But wait, there are scenes more hilarious
than that. When you want to see it, just look at yourselves blaming the
politicians for everything that is wrong in the nation! Look at yourselves
blaming those in power for blaming each other and not doing their job. Look at
yourselves making claims over the hard earned tax-payers’ money, as we go about
doing just about anything to get our hands on first opportunity of a tax break.
“NO! Never!” you say? So you will say a no if I offer a 50K worth mobile for
40K. The ones without a guarantee or a bill…
Such is the idiocy that has infected
the nation that even your humble blogger has taken so much time and effort in
making a shamelessly hypocritical jibe at his fellow citizens. I feel
I am guilty of pointing fingers. I
am also guilty of committing every other crime as aforementioned. But this
voice does not merely scream in an attempt to pass on the blame. This is the
voice that represents the hope of those who want to change the nation. I am not
talking about those few hundreds who are desperate to create a revolution, but
I speak to that part of the heart of every youngster in this nation of a
billion who aspires for a revolution!
First they ignore you
Then they laugh at you
Then they fight you
And then you win
So if you ever intend to drive a
message to the world, a blog like this will never suffice. Neither will a
thousand speeches or sermons or prayers or any of that. Go on a fast for a week
and then people take notice, that is, they no longer ignore you and start
laughing at you. Go a step further and they might fight you. What must you do
to win? I don’t know… the question is wide open. But as a first step, you can
stop pointing fingers.
Oh, and by the way, why such a title
you ask me? My friend tossed a water bottle into the river. And when I chided
him for that he was quick to respond, “You were the one who bought the plastic
bottle in the first place. Buying it bad enough, I just disposed it. You are at
P.S. Many Many Birthday Wishes to the person who made me as I am today. To the person who made me, literally actually! And not to mention, the person behind the signature of each blog, I have been reserving it in this post for the right moment, and here it is. "Bloody Blundaleomite" - Happy Birthday DAD!!!
And a thousand wishes to that person to whom a part of my heart has been given on permanent lease and the monthly rentals couldn't be more irregular. Anyways, don't ever tell me you didn't get a birthday gift, this one is exclusive! Birthday Wishes Machaane!
And a thousand wishes to that person to whom a part of my heart has been given on permanent lease and the monthly rentals couldn't be more irregular. Anyways, don't ever tell me you didn't get a birthday gift, this one is exclusive! Birthday Wishes Machaane!
like the water bottle title... like the bday gift to kunja.... i understand the frustration part and like the way u have produced the effect through words.... further, the quote of human nature, first ignore, then laugh, then fight and u win ( i recollect what vikasji (audit) said, they ignore, then laugh, then they start noticing u and then they respect)... kudos to the whole idea dear and i second u in it :D