Wednesday 19 December 2012

The Leaking Lilac

Good Morning folks!

Welcome to the story of 'The Leaking Lilac'.
Once upon a time, in a little town in a big world, a baby was born.
A little baby which cooed and cried, and everybody went, "Awww..." when it smiled.
The baby grew up to become a young child, filled with energy, bouncing about - the Midas of smiles.
The child learned what it was taught.
Whatever it saw, whatever it heard, was engraved in a heart, pure as gold.
This child could grow up to become an athlete, or a musician, or an actor.
Or maybe a lawyer. Or a Doctor. A dentist maybe? Or a vet!
Or a terrorist. A murderer. A rapist.

Gang rape in Delhi. Girl battles for life:
We shed our tears for you. We take a moment of silence for you.
You will be in our prayers. May the world never witness this again.

I was angered when I heard about the tragic incident in Delhi. It was a tragedy. A disaster. And the nation mourns for her. My fingers tremble as I write these words. Reading about it in the newspaper was just the most horrifying thing to do. The brutality of it, it pains my heart, overwhelmingly. Words can't express sympathy. Maybe silence can. Could you all please take a moment of silence and prayer? Maybe it will bring some peace? Maybe such a thing won't happen again. Just a moment of prayer for her. For women. For peace.

Ah! Well, life goes on doesn't it? Yes, we have to go on. So let us take a laugh, a laugh for the magnificent future we have up ahead and move on. Well, for those who are reading this, it may not be so magnificent after all, because this article just got started! Fasten your seatbelts!

Right now, I am sick to my gut; the entire nation a.k.a all my Facebook friends are clamouring for the hanging of those responsible for the gang rape in Delhi. Well most of them are. Some of them suggest more brutal measures like castrating them, or chopping them into tiny-tiny pieces and keeping them just alive, drowning them in boiling oil and what else? Well, first of all I appreciate the creative fervour of those master-minds who came up with these amazing ideas! Bravo! And second of all, could you just shut up and get back to your work? And if you have no work, then go the sleep. Or read my other posts in this blog; trust me its worth it (Whoa! Somebody was right. I am turning into a blog marketing maniac!)

All jokes aside, there are things to be asked. Things to be talked about. And everybody fighting for death must introspect. When has killing ever solved the problem? Has death ever been a cure? Who came up with this crazy idea that death can be 'compensated' with death? That rape can be compensated with torture? An eye for an eye! What a mantra!? Or do you believe that a strict punishment will instill fear in the minds of others and thereby reduce crime? You are going to fight crime with fear? Fight violence with violence?

When I started writing this article, I did a brief research on Chauri Chaura. All of us have learnt that story in 8th std Social Studies, how 22 policemen where killed in a place called Chauri Chaura in UP and the Non-Cooperation movement was called off. I don't want to deliver a history lecture as I had intended to in the first place. But just a gentle reminder of how the greatest battle in history was fought, the battle for India's independence. How we never compromised with peace and tolerance. How we held strong to ahimsa. The fabric of our society and any stable society in the world in built on non-violence (want to google "The Arab Spring"?) Ahimsa is not just about winning independence, or getting rid of the British. It is the understanding that only through love, compassion and tolerance will we be able to carve out a better society. In 1947, we did not just earn our independence, but a much deeper knowledge of how inevitable non-violence is. And every individual, who adds up to the society, that makes the nation, is answerable to the nation. Every action of ours tells a story. A story that subsequently shapes the society. the choice is always ours. Violence or Non-violence. Vengeance or forgiveness?

Why does crime happen? Why do people kill? Or rape? Are these killers or rapists born evil? Are these people God's special creations just for the purpose of ruining lives and destroying the society? What is the colour of their blood? What are their hobbies? What is their favourite food? What is their favourite sport? Ask these questions, and answer them yourself. Who is the criminal? Who is responsible? And can he or she be forgiven?

Want to hear the story of the Leaking Lilac again?
Once upon a time, in a little town, in a big world, a baby was born.
A little baby which cooed and cried, and everybody went, "Awww..." when it smiled.
The baby grew up to become a young child, filled with energy, bouncing about - the Midas of smiles.
The child learned what it was taught.
Whatever it saw, whatever it heard, was engraved in a heart, pure as gold.
This child could grow up to become an athlete, or a musician, or an actor.
Or maybe a lawyer. Or a Doctor. A dentist maybe? Or a vet!
Or a terrorist. A murderer. A rapist.
Whatever is written in the child's heart, will resonate to the society.
Kill the terrorist? Well, that might send a strong message to the society about the guts of the government. But every killing will write a different story in the child's heart. Chauri Chaura wrote one. The shootout at the school in US wrote one. Killing the killer will write another.

What story are you going to write?


1 comment:

  1. Is it lack of proper education and values that does this? Or are some men just feeling threatened where traditionally Indian women used to be more in the background?
    Either way, why are the women always looked at first when something like this happens - why was she there, who was she with and did she provoke this?
    HOW ON EARTH could any woman "provoke" thoughts of Rape in the mind of men - don't they have females in their family?

    It's shameful. And personally, I feel a rapist is as bad as a murderer or worse. He destroys the mind and the body of the victim.

    I'd write a story of proper education in schools at a young age about sex and sexuality and protection, and parents to teach their children this as well as to respect both sexes - not put one down and the other up. May be it might make a real difference to treat facts as facts than get all ashamed or sentimental about the nature of life.
